Friday, November 13, 2009

When it rains it pours!

So sunday night my parents came over to watch the cowboy came and eat some chili, and of coarse play with little Lilly! And after they left we finised the game in bed. I knew that it was going to be a long night because Chris was going back to work on Monday and I didn't want him to be up as much with Lilly so he could get some sleep! Well I decided to change that real fast! When I got up at 12 to feed Lilly my face had started to swell so I went to the bathroom and layed down for a few more minutes, When I got back up my whole face was swollen and I could barley open my eyes. I woke Chris up and showed him and took some benedry because I honestly thought that I has some kind of allergic reation to somthing. So I went ahead and fed Lilly. A few minutes later Chris called my mom and we were off to the ER. When we got there they did a EKG, x-ray, pee test and some blood work. With all of that they were able to find that I had a uti, pnemonia and some serious heart issues, not to mention that my blood pressure was 176/106. So they started me on some antibotics and told me that they were going to admit me... my emotions went crazy because there was no way that I wanted to be away from my daughter. When I got to my room they started me on Magnisum, the worst medicine I have ever had in my life... it was horrible and I had to be on it for 24 hours and they told me that I would have to use a bed pan.... what the heck! Luckly they inserted a foley! When Dr. Williams got there the first thing I asked her was when could I go home, she laughed, then I asked when I could get out of that stupid bed, then I asked When I could have some water, Luckly she let me have ice water. So was there all day monday, tuesday and Wednesday. So all of this was caused by Preeclampsia, not allergy! They said that my heart was in overload due to the blood that I had lost during labor and my high blood pressure. On of the Dr.'s said that I had signs of congestive heart failure. What the heck you never think that if you are healthy something like this could happen to you. When Dr. Williams came in Wednesday night to release me she looked at me and said you know you were really sick, really this whole issue has scared the living day lights out of me. But I am SOOO glad to be back home with my princess, because being away from her for part of the first week of her life was one of the hardest things I think I've done yet as a mom. So now that Im home, I'm on blood pressure pills and I'm still having issues with it. I just pray nothign gets too bad again!

Oh yea and just so you can see how bad it really was!!!!!!


  1. wow...I am soooo glad you are doing better! I knew it must have been terrible for you to be away from your little princess! My mom told me how horrible it was when she had to leave me in the hospital for six weeks after she got out. I am so glad I prayed for you as hard as I did. You are an awesome Mom!

  2. Well you had quite the experience!! I am so glad you are back at home where you belong!!
