Saturday, August 1, 2009


Well incase you didn't already know, I have a awesome husband! While I was gone to Colorado he was going to finish the nursery. We had a little touching up to do, a shelf that needed to be hung and some other things. Well since I had spent some money going to colorado we were going to just wait until we got paid again to finish it up! So i didn't expect to come back to anything at at all. Well I pretty much love just laying in the nursery floor and doing what ever, to me it just makes this whole process seem a little more real or something. So after I got home I headed down the hall to get my feel of the nursery that I had been deprived of the last week and as soon as I opened the door I was surprised with this:

This is the chair that I have been dying to have for our room for quite some time now. As soon as I sit in it I fell like im in heaven :) Its just that awesome! So chris had come up with this master plan to sell our our junk around the house on craiglist to come up with enough cash to surprise me! He really sacrificed a lot, Im not sure if it was really for me or more for our Princess! He sold ALL of his paintball stuff, a tv, his Foseball table and my bike that he got a awesome deal on (he was most excited about how much he got for my bike!). Needless to say I sit in here a whole lot more now and I know that those late night feedings and all the bedtime stories will be very comfy in our new chair!

1 comment:

  1. Love all of the cute new pictures!! what a sweet need to post pictures of the whole room now!
